Costanté: a Modern Jewelry Brand Bred Out of Love and Intention

 Costante Jewelry

Costante is a fine jewelry brand that emphasizes the importance of human connection throughout their pieces. As a modern jewelry brand, Costante always operates with love and intention in ways that support and inspire their community. 

1. What is the inspiration behind your jewelry brand and its name?

Costanté is a play on the Italian word costante meaning “constant.” 

Launching the brand came from layers of inspiration. The foundation of it all being the constant sources of reliability in my life – my parents and my partner, Yoshi. 

Prior to Costanté, I worked for my family business in the shipping industry, then transitioned to finance for 4 years. While working at a bank, I saw the ability big corporations have to make a positive impact, and I searched for ways to access resources. While I was able to launch small initiatives such as Holiday Toy Drives or push for transparent conversations with HR during the time of the #MeToo movement – I was frustrated by the hinderance of corporate regulation or company politics. 

COSTANTE Trillium Diamond Ring - ourCommonplace
I launched Costanté in Fall 2018 in hopes of finding my own lane of contribution to the world. Through my volunteer work with Sexy Beast LA, I had the opportunity to test the waters through a soft debut at a Benefit for Planned Parenthood Los Angeles at the Marciano Art Foundation. On the night of the gala, we sold 80% of our jewelry and raised almost $1,000 for Planned Parenthood Los Angeles; the event itself raised nearly $1 million! 

The positive response from the gala left me with a surge of emotions – a new purpose, the courage to really build Costanté, and faith in myself for what felt like the first time ever. With Yoshi as my rock, I quit my banking job and decided I wanted to use Costanté as my way to give back. I can carve my own road if I move with love + intention.

2. There is a lot of controversy surrounding modern, high-end jewelry brands nowadays and the ethics behind material sourcing. Did that impact your decision to become a sustainable jewelry brand?

No. Acknowledging the existence of the controversy forced us to be environmentally conscious from the start, and even more mindful in our production process. While we are still learning what the best practices are in matters of sustainability, we are extremely selective about our partners/vendors. 

Being a small business, choosing the sustainable option is not usually the more affordable option. So, when I strategize I carry these thoughts consciously while making business decisions. I have to ask myself the hard questions: how can I minimize my environmental impact while managing costs? How can I prepare for a pop up while minimizing waste?

While not every answer right now is the most environmentally sustainable, being conscious from the beginning engrains care for our earth into our brand ethos. 

Costante Maglia Chain Bracelet - ourCommonplace
3. Bred out of love and intention, one of your biggest inspirations is your community. How do they help you in your creative production process?

My community is my muse. Coming from a business background, anything in the “creative” realm was something I had to learn. My friends are the one who taught me how to communicate visually, how photoshoots operate, what a look book even is. Costanté wouldn’t be here today without the people around me.

The best example would be the Opal Drip Earrings. In Spring 2018, my mom visited Tokyo with her best friend and came back with a pair of dangling earrings. She boasted about her indecisiveness of the purchase at the bustling Tokyo Train Station and the Cherry Blossom adventure they took with it on their way home. This pair of earrings inspired the structure of the Opal Drip Earrings. My father then gave me the courage to add the flair. 

When I was in the middle of deciding whether or not to leave the corporate world, he encouraged me to make wise decisions, but not be afraid to take risks. And with that, I added the shine it needed – the diamond anchor up top embracing strength, and the swinging opal representing the fluidity of love. 

These emotions in creating the Opal Drip Earrings embody so much of the design process. It’s hard to put into words because so much of it is a feeling

4. When creating your jewelry brand, what type of person did you envision wearing your accessories?
Costante Sade Gold Hoops - ourCommonplace


Initially, I found it challenging to imagine anyone aside from my friends wearing Costanté. Every step of the way has been “I’m not sure, but let’s find out.” 

After we started doing more in-person events (Unique Markets, West Elm pop ups) and personally engaging with our clientele, we were able to better gauge who’s drawn to Costanté and who’s not. So now, when I imagine who’s behind their phones/computers – I see the modern-day working woman, the hustler, the yogi, and the environmentally conscious.

5. What is the bigger message you are aiming to spread through the delicate creation of your accessories?

The overarching message I hope people receive when browsing through our Instagram, or shopping through our website is Costanté jewelry is more than physical adornment. The delicate creation of our collection illustrates the power of little things. Our jewelry is not meant to serve as a representative of beauty, but as a constant reminder of the innate beauty + strength every individual carries. 

COSTANTE Lustro Necklace - ourCommonplace
6. What advice do you have for your customers on staying involved with their communities?

The best way you can bring women/minorities to the table is to make room for them. I intentionally choose to partner with women for many aspects of our business. If I have a role that needs to be filled, I begin by asking family and friends. “Do you have a friend that can take product photography? Do you know anyone that does graphic design?” These intentional decisions help build our community, and also create a platform for those looking to apply their skills but don’t have the opportunity to do so. 

In the age of social media, our attention is a currency. Pay attention to the friends who are starting small businesses, you can support them just by sharing, attending their events, and bringing your friends too. Think small before you think big  

Like a garden, there is enough room for all of us when we grow together. 

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